Kids (5th grade and under)

Time for Two
Lutheran Day School
St. Luke Lutheran School offers a Christian education to as many children as possible, preschoolers through the eighth grade. It is the school’s goal to assist the parents in providing Christian training and nurturing so that our students will be equipped to lead a life of service to the Lord. Contact the school office to learn more at 724-352-2221.
St. Luke dedicates one hour every Sunday to partner with parents in assisting to teach the basics of the faith to their children. From 9:15-10:15 AM, children will engage in age-appropriate learning material to grow in their knowledge of the faith and how to practice what they believe. Contact Beth Koegler for more information.
Sunday School
Time for Two is a bi-yearly program running for 9 weeks for two-year-olds and their parents from September through November and again in March through May. Through the use of age-appropriate Bible stories, songs, and seasonal units, teachers and families nurture children in their faith in an interactive classroom setting. Weekly sessions will encourage children to explore God's world through songs, finger plays, puppets, art and Bible stories, all geared especially toward very young children. Children choose from different activities for the beginning of the time and are never asked to sit for very long. Call St. Luke School office for more information 724-352-2221.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer St. Luke provides a Vacation Bible School for children, ages four through sixth grade. The children learn about Jesus through Bible stories, fun learning activities, music, crafts, games, snacks, and more! For more information, contact the church office 724-352-2777.
Introduce children in Kindergarten through Grade 5 to Jesus and teaches them God’s purpose for their lives. The children have a light dinner and then enjoy group activities such as Bible lessons, skits, crafts, songs, and prayer. For more information about Kids Club, contact Mary Jean Montag 724-352-9235.
Kids Club
Each summer a variety of opportunities are available for children to participate in. Camps include activities in the areas of sports, art, science, various training classes, and much more. For more information, contact the church office 724-352- 2777.
Summer Camps
Seasonal Events
Growing in Faith - Christian Education
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All children are a gift from God and we are here to partner with you in raising your children to be disciples and followers of Jesus. Here, kids in 5th grade and under will learn the stories of the Bible, how to pray, and the basics of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. We engage young minds, fostering a deep and lasting understanding of their faith that will last for years.